Fair Oaks / Orange Grove


Round 1 Workshop

Your Goals - Getting Specific


The Planning & Community Development Department hosted the first community workshop on the Fair Oaks - Orange Grove Specific Plan on July 12, 2018. The goal of the workshop was to solicit input on the vision and desired land uses and urban form of the area.

Workshop Agenda and Materials

Participants were provided a brief introductory presentation on the Specific Plan Update program, the General Plan vision for the plan area, and background information. For the majority of the workshop, participants were divided into small groups with facilitated discussions on particular topics. The main objective of the workshop was to solicit feedback from the community, rather than reach consensus on any particular topic.

  • Icebreaker Activity: Participants mapped out where they live, work, and play, and wrote three words for the future of the plan area.
  • Powerpoint Presentation: Provided a brief introductory presentation on the Specific Plan Update program, the General Plan vision for the plan area, and a summary of results from preliminary analysis of the existing conditions.
  • Small Group Discussion and Report Back: Participants were divided into small groups with facilitated discussions on the Fair Oaks Avenue corridor from Montana Street to Maple Street, including portions along Orange Grove. Each table reported back to the larger group with a summary of main points.

What We Heard

More than 50 community members attended the workshop and provided feedback on the future of Fair Oaks - Orange Grove. The following represents major themes that emerged during the small group discussions and comments received. 

  • Support for a variety of housing opportunities, including affordable, senior, workforce, and multi-family housing 
  • Appropriate development that emphasizes human-scale features is important
  • General desire to limit building heights to 2 or 3 stories
  • Building facade improvements is desired
  • Interest for the plan area to embrace the unique and historical built environment 
  • Participants also expressed that existing convalescent homes should be rehabilitated and/or improved
  • General desire for more neighborhood serving uses that support and cater to youth and families
  • Would like to see entertainment type of uses near Orange Grove
  • Continue the prohibition of new convalescent homes or establish limits that address overconcentration of this use
  • Strong desire for additional community space for people to gather, particularly near Mountain and Maple
  •      General desire to preserve existing industrial uses/ land for future local job creation and employment opportunities
  • Support re-use of existing industrial sites for other desired uses 
  • Buffer existing and new industrial uses from adjacent residential neighborhoods
  • Improve accessibility and overall pedestrian experience by adding more shade trees, benches, pathways, places to rest, improved lighting, landscaping, and public art
  • Installation of gateway features at key intersections, such as Montana  
  • Improve pedestrian safety, particularly at key intersections, and overall circulation in the plan area
  • Desire for bike-related infrastructure and amenities in this area
  • General desire for more flexible parking options