CDSP Study Session 1 (12.08.21)

Staff held a study session with the Planning Commission to present an update on the Central District Specific Plan (CDSP), focusing on revised plan boundaries and standards that would regulate future development in the plan area. This was an informational item only; no recommendation decision was made. Feedback received informed the preparation of the proposed plan that was presented for Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council.


The Planning Commission Study Session agenda and materials are available below. You may find documents related to this study session here: 

Planning Commission Study Session Agenda (December 8, 2021)

Study Session Presentation (December 8, 2021)

Staff Report (full document)

Attachment A - 2021 CDSP: Draft Chapters 4 to 6

Attachment B - CDSP Update Public Outreach Process

Attachment C - Existing Central District Specific Plan (2004)

Attachment D - 2004/2021 CDSP Land Use and Development Standrds Comparison Table